About Red Pandas

Scientific Name: Ailurus fulgens
Type: Mammal
Status: Endangered
Location: Eastern Himalayas

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Red Pandas are a unique species in the world of creatures. They are an overload of cuteness, contain powerful abilities, and have playful personalities.

So what is a Red Panda?

There has been much debate over the years about which animal family Red Pandas are a part of. At one point, they were thought to be related to Giant Pandas, in the Ursidae (bear) family. Red Pandas were first discovered in 1825, while the Giant Panda was found later in 1869, acquiring the name ‘panda’ as well due to their similar feeding habits.

Panda – meaning bamboo eater.

Later on, they were thought to be more closely related to the Musteloidea family which contains animals like skunks, raccoons, and weasels. Visually it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch when looking at the unique fluffy tails and the face masks of Red Pandas and Raccoons:

But after much study and debate – it was decided that Red Pandas belong in their own family named, Ailuridae. And they are the only living member of this animal family.

What do Red Pandas look like?

It was recently discovered that there are actually two types of Red Pandas. The Himalayan Red Panda has more of a white face and the Chinese Red Panda has more of a red face:
Both have deep red/black/white fur, long fluffy tails, semi-retractable claws, pointed ears, and whiskers. But the Himalayan Red Panda is slightly smaller than the Chinese Red Panda.

How big are Red Pandas?

Adult Red Pandas weigh around 8 and 17 pounds (3.6 and 7.7 kilograms) and are 22 to 24.6 inches (56 to 62.5 centimeters) long, plus a tail of 14.6 to 18.6 inches (37 to 47.2 centimeters). A little bigger than the typical domestic cat.

What are some cool things that Red Pandas can do?

Red Pandas are great tree climbers! They use their long tails to help keep them balanced and their semi-retractable claws to navigate tree branches in such a way that makes climbing trees look easy. This ability also helps them escape predators such as leopards.

Their white face markings are more than a cute physical feature, it helps them survive. This white fur, almost luminescent, helps keep the sun out of their eyes and can help mothers find their cubs when it is dark.

This species is made for the cold. Their dense fur, even on the bottom of their paws, helps keep their bodies warm when temperatures drop. In extremely cold temperatures, they can become dormant, lowering their metabolic rate and raising it every few hours as they wake up to look for food.

They are more active at night and in the early morning hours. During the day they are often found up in the trees curled up or sprawled out depending on the temperature.

What do Red Pandas sound like?

Red Pandas are generally quiet and solitary animals (living alone), except for when it is mating season. They use subtle vocalizations like squeals and huffs, hisses, or grunting to communicate. They will also arch their tails, and bob their heads when talking with other nearby Red Pandas.

Red Pandas who feel threatened may let out a barking sound or release a pungent liquid from glands at the base of their tail. This liquid can also be a way to allow other Red Pandas when they are crossing territory lines, or when a Red Panda is ready to mate. (Watch the video below to learn more about these forms of communication and the process of Red Panda cubs becoming adults.)

Where do Red Pandas live?

Red Pandas are found in the Easter Himalayas. Places like China, Nepal, and Bhutan. They live in high-altitude forests which produce their main source of food.

What do Red Pandas eat?

Red Pandas are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. They have a pseudo-thumb which is a large wrist bone that helps them grasp food. This physical feature is extremely important when they are eating their main food source, bamboo. Bamboo constitutes about 95% of the red panda’s diet. They may also forage for roots, succulent grasses, fruits, insects, grubs, and occasionally a small bird or mammal.

Why are Red Pandas important?

Looking beyond how adorable they are, we can see how important they are to the ecosystem they live in. They affect the survival of the predators that rely on them for survival along with bringing balance to bamboo control. If bamboo plants are allowed to grow and grow and grow, it would effect the growth of other plant life in the forests which would affect not only the forest but the other animals that live there.

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Red Panda

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